Come Thunder - Christopher Okigbo



"NOW that the triumphant march has entered the last street corners,

Remember. O dancers, the thunder among the clouds …


Now that the laughter, broken in two, hangs tremulous between the teeth,

 Remember, O dancers, the lightning beyond the earth …


The smell of blood already floats in the lavender-mist of the afternoon.

The death sentence lies in ambush along the corridors of power:

And a great fearful thing already tugs at the cables of the open air,

A nebula immense and immeasurable, a night of deep waters –

An iron dream unnamed and unprintable, a path of stone.


The drowsy heads of the pods in barren farmlands witness it,

The homesteads abandoned in this century's brush fire witness it:

The myriad eyes of deserted corn cobs in burning barns witness it:

Magic birds with the miracle of lightning flash on their feathers …


The arrows of God tremble at the gates of light,

The drums of curfew pander to a dance of death:


And the secret thing in its heaving

Threatens with iron mask

The last lighted torch of the century"


What people are saying...

  • Really worthwhile and full of information. Love the use of performance to portray characters and bring history to life.
  • A brilliant walk which shares (African) history in a well-researched, knowledgeable way. We need more of this input in our schools.
  • This is the second time I've attended the walk and feel there is so much more to learn. Joe’s knowledge, creativity and enthusiasm mean I could easily stay for the whole day.
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