Olivia Dixon – Liv has worked in administration at a primary school and with the private sector. Having found that her talents shine through engagement projects, she has worked and volunteered for projects such as Getaway Girls, a youth-run project exploring women’s mental health in Black communities; summer carnival workshops also explored the history behind carnival; Heritage Corner provides an even wider history and Heritage Crew allows the creativity to match the content – all of which she has thoroughly enjoyed and looks forward to participating in more.
Liv has a passion for access issues and currently studying for a diploma in sign language and aims to pass all 6 levels to become a fully qualified British Sign Language interpreter and teacher, with a focus on interpreting for the arts.
Liv is always looking for new ways to help people learn in a way that isn't typically offered in mainstream education systems. She enjoys painting and crocheting and surrounds herself with artists, DJs, and stylists within her community.